- It smells like musty hay. 味道闻起来类似发霉的干草。
- Ken: Yuck, it smells like a1) cave down here. 肯:好恶,这地铁站闻起来像洞穴。
- B: It smells like a potpourri bag. 闻起来像是百味袋。
- The medicine tastes bitter, but it smells like tea. 这药尝起来苦苦的,不过闻起来像茶。
- Hmm, it smells like fresh homemade bread. 嗯,闻起来好像是刚出炉的面包。
- Billy: What's that smell? It smells like blueberry. 比利:是啥味道?闻起来好像蓝莓。
- "Either alone or in combination with chlorine, it was used against troops in World War I. It smells like musty hay. Inhalation causes severe lung injury several hours after exposure." 可单独使用,或和氯混合使用,在第一次世界大战中当作军用毒气。味道闻起来类似发霉的干草。吸入数小时后会对肺造成严重伤害。
- Dude, put the cover back on it. It smells like b.o. 伙计,把盖子盖回去。闻着像汗臭味。
- Yuck, it smells like a sewer down here. 好恶,这里闻起来像下水道。
- B:It smells like a potpourri bag. 闻起来像是百味袋。
- The fruit smells like apples. It smells good. 这种水果闻起来像苹果,味道很好。
- It smells like a garbage heap in here. What's happening? 这儿的味儿像垃圾堆,这是怎么回事?
- It smells like God when you lay your head on His chest. 这种味道就像上帝,当你把你的头依靠在上帝的身上。
- When it smells like it, feels like it, and looks like it. 当它闻起来如此,感觉上如此,看起来如此
- It smells like there is something burning in her kitchen. 她家厨房里有股烧焦的味道。
- Smell: What does it smell like? Sweet and fresh or stale and bad? 味道:闻起来味道怎么样?甜的而且新鲜还是变味而且坏了的?
- Smell:What does it smell like?Sweet and resh or stale and bad? 味道:闻起来味道怎么样?甜的,新鲜或是变味的,坏了的?
- Smell:What does it smell like ?Sweet and fresh or stale and bad? 味道:闻起来问道怎么样?甜的,新鲜的或是变味的,坏了的?
- "I bet it smells like rose petals," mutual funds specialist Ken Stoute said. “我敢打赌,它的香味就像玫瑰花瓣,” 共同基金专家肯.;斯托特说。
- It was dank and clanked; it smelled like history. 那间房子阴湿,当啷作响,散发着历史的气味。